Rabu, 14 April 2010


Oleh :



Ianguage represent the very important element in everyday life, goodness in course of conversing and also in course of learning. In course of his, human being ever use the Ianguage as a means of everyday communications with the quit of humanity of private interest. Others, Ianguage represent the requirement of human being having the character of absolute, because Ianguage represent the means of communications of human being one otherly.
Ianguage as social symptom determined by factor of linguistics and factor non linguistics. That matter in line with opinion Suwito ( 1982:3) expressing that Ianguage as social symptom in its usage not only determined by linguistics factor, but also determined by factors non linguistics, for example social factor and situation. Social factor influencing Ianguage usage, for example social status, mount the education, age, economic storey level, gender, etcetera. factor Situation influencing Ianguage, that is whose converse, with whom converse, and problem of what conversed.
Generally, Indonesia society master bilingual, that is vernacular ( mother tongue) and Indonesian, for example a coming from tribe sasak, besides mastering Ianguage sasak also can say the Indonesian better. Situation that way cause the happening of Ianguage contact of at x'self of a speaker in acting to have Ianguage it so that depending symptom in acting to have Ianguage it can be avoided the. Suwito ( 1983:39-40) expressing that Ianguage contact happened in social contact situation, that is situation at the (time) of somebody learn the second Ianguage in society.
situation of Ianguage Usage of all kinds of, started from conversation atmosphere in family, aming family, betwen neigbhour, in merchant interaction in market, erudite discussion atmosphere, oration atmosphere in plaza, up to discourse in subdistrict.
A multilingual/bilingual cannot secede from the process displace the code ( code switching) and mingle the code ( code mixing) what in it there are Ianguage shiver used by penutur in other Ianguage use. Ianguage shiver that is taken away from a other dissimilar Ianguage usually in the form of words, but also can be in the form of the frase or unit of larger ones Ianguage.
Mingle the code happened by the effect of mixing process the second Ianguage domination, caused by its is system difference of between first Ianguage and second Ianguage from speaker. Nababan ( 1984:32) expressing that mingling code is mixing symptom two or more Ianguage or Ianguage manner in a Ianguage action which is in situation have that Ianguage to get the bilingual mixing.
Usage more than one Ianguage generate the Ianguage colour of speaker that is variation of Ianguage. That matter because of Ianguage usage which each other dominant its usage between Ianguage one with the other;dissimilar Ianguage, altogether this happened unconsciously by speaker in performing a communications.
Parents are often concerned that using a non-community language as the language of their home will disadvantage their children. This program of research provides solid evidence that the overwhelming effect of bilingualism in the home is positive. The disadvantages are relatively minor and easily overcome. The implications for schooling are more complex. Children’s success in school is strongly dependent on their proficiency in the language of instruction, a relationship that holds for important linguistic activities (e.g. learning to read), non-verbal computational subjects (e.g. mathematics), and content-based curricula (e.g. social studies). In all these cases, children must be skilled in the forms and meanings of the school language and be competent readers of that language. Bilingual children may not be at the same level as their monolingual peers, and second-language learners for whom English or French is not their home language may have not built up adequate skills in the instructional language to succeed in schools. The evidence for the overwhelming positive benefit of bilingualism, together with evidence that bilingual children are not cognitively handicapped, indicates an important role for schools in providing a means for these children to build up their language skills in the school language so that they can be full participants in the classroom and reap the most positive benefit from their educational experience.
Bilingualisme term ( English: bilingualism) in Indonesian referred also is bilingual. Than its term Iiterally have perceivable what such by bilingualisme that, that is with reference to bilingual use or two Ianguage code. By sosialinguistics in general, bilinguslisme interpreted as bilingual use by a speaker in its assocciation with the others by after interlude ( Mackey 1962:12, Fishman 1975:73
To can to use bilingual perhaps somebody have to master that both languages. [is] First, its own mother tongue or first of Ianguage ( shortened by B1), and secondly is other dissimilar Ianguage becomingof both Ianguage ( shortened by B2). One who can use that both languages is referred as by one who bilingual ( in Indonesian referred as bilingual also). While ability to use referred as by bilingual of bilingualitas ( in Indonesian referred as also kedwibahasawanan). Besides term bilingualisme with its all decomposition a there is also term multilingualisme ( in Indonesian referred also keanekabahasaan) namely circumstance using of bilingual more than by somebody in its assocciation with the others by after interlude.
This writing is conducted as a mean to know the bilingual use in formal activity and non formal.

How bilingual usage in formal activity and non formal.


A. Bilingual Meaning.

Bilingualisme term ( English: bilingualism) in Indonesian referred also is bilingual. Than its term Iiterally have perceivable what such by bilingualisme that, that is with reference to bilingual use or two Ianguage code. By sosialinguistic in general, bilinguslisme interpreted as bilingual use by a speaker in its assocciation with the others by after interlude ( Mackey 1962:12, Fishman 1975:73 ).
To can to use bilingual perhaps somebody have to master that both languages. is First, its own mother tongue or first of Ianguage ( shortened by B1), and secondly is other dissimilar Ianguage becomingof both Ianguage ( shortened by B2). One who can use that both languages is referred as by one who bilingual ( in Indonesian referred as bilingual also). While ability to use referred as by bilingual of bilingualitas ( in Indonesian referred as also kedwibahasawanan). Besides term bilingualisme with its all decomposition a there is also term multilingualisme ( in Indonesian referred also keanekabahasaan) namely circumstance using of bilingual more than by somebody in its assocciation with the others by after interlude.

B. Bilingual Definition.

Have been known that Iiterally is bilingual habit use bilingual or more by after interlude. Under this is opinion or definition challange bilingual by all its expert expert. According to all defined bilingual expert as follows:
1. Robert Lado ( 1964-214
Represent the ability converse bilingual with is of equal or much the same to its goodness. Technically this opinion relate at bilingual knowledge, how its storey level by somebody

2. Mackey ( 1956:155)
Usage which after interlude from bilingual. Formulating bilingual as habit use bilingual or more by somebody ( individual the alternative use of two or more languages by the same). this Opinion extension is opened with the existence of bilingual level seen from facet of domination of element gramatical, lexsical, semantic, and style which mirror in four skill have Ianguage, that is listen, conversing, reading, and writing.
3. Hartman And Stork ( 1972:27)
Bilingual is use by a speaker or society
4. Bloomfield ( 1958:56 )
Represent the ability to use same bilingual of its goodness by a speaker. Formulating bilingual as same domination its goodness for bilingual or native like control of two languages. Bilingual domination with the same accuracy and fluency like original speaker very difficult measured.
5. Haugen ( 1968:10 )
Bilingual is soybean cake. If elaborated in more public hence bilingual congeniality is bilingual usage by after interlude either through productive and also reseftif by a individual or by society. Opening bilingual with the bilingual soybean cake ( knowledge of two languages), enough know bilingual quiesently or understanding without speaking.
6. Oksaar
Have a notion that bilingual not merely individual property, but have to be considered as by a group property, so that enable the existence of bilingual society. This matter is seen in Belgia specify the Ianguage of Dutch and Perencis as state Ianguage, Finlandia with the Ianguage of Find and swedish. In Canadian Montreal, English and French weared by after interlude its citizen, so that citizen montreal considered to be [by] a pure bilingual society.
Become can be taken [by] conclusion from above definition that bilingual closely related with the bilingual usage or more by a bilingual or bilingual society by after interlude. Bilingual congeniality [is] bilingual usage by after interlude either through productive and also reseftif by a individual or by society.

C. Bilingual Division.
As for some bilingual division type pursuant to bilingual typologi, that is
1. Compound bilingualism
Bilingual indicating that ability have Ianguage to one of better Ianguage from at ability have Ianguage to other Ianguage. this relied on by bearing of between B1 by B2 mastered by bilingual. Both languages mastered by bilingual but standing self.
2. Koordinatif bilingual / parallel bilingual
Indicating that bilingual usage both of the same good by a individual. related to well-balanced Bilingual of level of domination of B1 and B2. One who is equal skilled in bilingual.
3. Sub-Ordinatif bilingual ( complex )
Indicating that a individual at the (time) of hence B1 often include the B2 or on the contrary. this attributed to a situation that faced the B1. A group of minimizing encircled and predominated by society of a big Ianguage of small so that society enabled to earn the loss B1.
There are some other dissimilar opinion by bilingual expert in typologi bilingual among other things is:
a. Baeten Beardsmore ( 1985:22 )
Enhancing one degree again that is bilingual early ( inception bilingualism) that is bilingual which owned by a individual which in the process of master B2.
b. According to Pohl ( in Baetens Beardmore, 1985;5 )
Typologi Ianguage more relied on a existing Ianguage status in society, hence Pohl divide bilingual become three type that is:
1) Horizontal ( horizontal bilingualism)
Representing different bilingual usage situation but each Ianguage own the good parallel status in formal situation, culture and also in family life from its wearer group.

2) Vertical ( vertical bilinguism )
Representing bilingual usage if dialectal and permanent Ianguage, both for correlating and or apart, owned by a speaker
3) Bilingual of Diagonal ( diagonal bilingualism )
Representing dialectal bilingual usage or is not permanent by together but both do not own the relation by genetic with the permanent Ianguage weared by that society.

c. According to Arsenan ( in Baerdsmore, 1985
Bilingual type at ability have Ianguage, hence he clasipication bilingual become two that is :
1) Productive ( productive bilingualism) or symmetrical bilingual or active bilingual ( symmetrical bilingualism) that is bilingual usage by a individual to entire/all aspect of skill have Ianguage ( correct reading, conversing, reading, and writing)
2) Reseptif ( reseptive bilingualism) or bilingual or passive bilingual of asimetrik ( asymetrical bilingualism)
D. Ianguage Of Variation
Variation of existing Ianguage in society represent the fair matter, cause of existing social status and type in representing reflection is existence of social stratification. That way also on the contrary, variation of Ianguage grow and expand because requirement speaker to variation.
Suwito ( 1983:29), having a notion that variation of Ianguage is a kind manner which its usage adapted for a situation and its function, without disregarding different fundamental method in pertinent Ianguage. Pursuant to the congeniality, problem of variation of Ianguage very base on two factor, that is factor of linguistics and factor nonlinguistik. related/relevant things with the linguistics factor existed in internal norm of Ianguage, good of sound system, word system, and also sentence system. related/relevant things with the factor nonlinguistik in the form of Ianguage usage which is adapted for situation and pertinent Ianguage function.
Practically is variation of Ianguage used by a communication means which its usage adapted for a discussion situation. variation of Ianguage which is there are in society generate the Ianguage manner which different each other. One of factor which can generate the variation of Ianguage is place factor, so that variation of Ianguage weared by a certain penutur in place, differing from variation of used in the place is other dissimilar. The difference is not formed by input but following specific method going into effect at the place. variation of Ianguage cover the area fonologi, leksikal, morphology and syntax.
E. Code of Mix Congeniality.
Mingle the code happened the effect of mixing process the second Ianguage domination, caused by his system difference of between first Ianguage and second Ianguage from penutur. Nababan ( 1984:32) expressing that mingling code is mixing symptom two or more Ianguage or Ianguage manner in a[n Ianguage action which is in situation have that Ianguage to get the the bilingual mixing. Become, mingle the code represent the bilingual mixing or more conducted by speaker. Mix of code conducted by speaker coloured by social background, race, religious, mount the education, and age.
In other theory ( Suwito, 1983:69) mingling code or code mixing happened by effect of Ianguage contact in society of bilingual or multilingual. Characteristic marking to mingle the code is the existence of Ianguage depending. In mingling code, function contact the Ianguage and relevansi in situation represent the depending characteristic in have Ianguage. Its intention, in mingling code marked by:
1. Each Ianguage defended by a separate function as according to its context, and
2. Each Ianguage used by as according to relevant situation that with the context change. The marking of contecstual units.
Pursuant to the mentioned, can be said that to by mingle the code show an symptom is existence of interdependence of between function contekstual with the situation relevansional in bilingual usage or more.

F. Background of the happening of Mingling Code
Basically background of the happening of mingling code because of two matter, that is matter which have to background of Ianguage and matter which have background to non Ianguage. Second beside the background, Suwito ( 1983:77) opening three aspect which background of the happening of mingling code that is: ( a) identify the role, ( b) identify the manner, and ( c) desire explain and telling.
Third of such background of Suwito very hand in glove its relation inseparable so that. Congeniality from identifying role is social environment. Identify the manner determined if somebody conduct to mingle the code can identify the x'self in certain social strata. Its meaning is somebody by mixed the code with the certain Ianguage can be looked for characteristic of sign social status background of the people. Desire to explain the attitude and others relation with x'self.


In course of this writing with the title bilingualism, writer use the method of writing of book study. Data used in the form of data secunder where source of writing data obtained from research beforehand indirectly that is with the structured literature medium in document and have been publicized in general.
Weakness from this method is that writer rely on the others reference to get the information, so that interpretation earn the correctness or is not be real correct full ( Dempsey, 2002). In consequence of vital importance for writer to return to its origin source whenever possible.
Bibliography And footnote at source secunder often refer at primary source which can be check of interpretation accuracy and used to collect the additional data. There no source secunder, though is drawn up careful considerably, which can give the interpretation of all data as a whole ( Dempsey, 2002). So that writer have to select and interpret various source type.

A. Conclusion
1. Bilingual Meaning
Bilingualisme term ( English: bilingualism) in Indonesian referred also is bilingual. Than its term Iiterally have perceivable what such by bilingualisme that, that is with reference to bilingual use or two Ianguage code. By sosialinguistic in general, bilinguslisme interpreted as bilingual use by a speaker in its assocciation with the others by after interlude ( Mackey 1962:12, Fishman 1975:73
To can to use bilingual perhaps somebody have to master that both languages. is First, its own mother tongue or first of Ianguage ( shortened by B1), and secondly is other dissimilar Ianguage becomingof both Ianguage ( shortened by B2). One who can use that both languages is referred as by one who bilingual ( in Indonesian referred as bilingual also). While ability to use referred as by bilingual of bilingualitas ( in Indonesian referred as also kedwibahasawanan). Besides term bilingualisme with its all decomposition a there is also term multilingualisme ( in Indonesian referred also keanekabahasaan) namely circumstance using of bilingual more than by somebody in its assocciation with the others by after interlude.
2. Bilingual Division.
a. Compound bilingualism
b. Koordinatif bilingual / parallel bilingual
c. Sub-Ordinatif bilingual ( complex )


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